Returns data frame of selected statistics for each match, for either whole team or individual players. Multiple URLs can be passed to the function, but only one `stat_type` can be selected
get_advanced_match_stats(match_url, stat_type, team_or_player, time_pause = 2)
the three character country code for all countries
the type of team statistics the user requires
result either summarised for each team, or individual players
the wait time (in seconds) between page loads
The statistic type options (stat_type) include:
"summary", "passing", "passing"_types, "defense" , "possession", "misc", "keeper"
returns a dataframe of a selected team statistic type for a selected match(es)
if (FALSE) {
urls <- get_match_urls(country = "AUS", gender = "F", season_end_year = 2021, tier = "1st")
df <- get_advanced_match_stats(match_url=urls,stat_type="possession",team_or_player="player")